Computer Science
Subject leader |
Matthew Rutherford-West: |
Curriculum Intent |
As in your intent document |
Curriculum implementation |
KS3During Key Stage 3, students will have one lesson a week in a dedicated IT suite. In each half-term, students will be looking at different aspects of the National Curriculum for Computing and developing both their Digital Media and Computer Science knowledge and skills. Throughout Key Stage 3, students will have regular e-Safety health checks, as well as completing a dedicated e-Safety awareness unit at the beginning of Year 7. |
Year 7In terms 1&2 students will look at what happens inside a computer and how to use the hardware and software at The Turing School safely and efficiently. They will also look at different aspects of using any Internet connected device safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely.
In terms 3&4 students will make their first computer programs at The Turing School, using a block interface in conjunction with the robotics hardware we use. Students will use this experience later in Year 7 to compare the uses and differences of different programming languages. They will also consider different areas of ethics within Computer Science and consider how data is used, shared and accessed online.
In terms 5&6 students will use Photoshop within their lessons to create their own media product, which they have to plan, design and then create. They will end the year looking at the Python programing language and compare it with the programming they have previously completed earlier on in Year 7. |
Year 8In terms 1&2 students will look at how a computer network operates, and the hardware required to set one up. They will look at the use of networks within different organisations and gain an understanding of their need and use. Students will then look at how to use different Google Apps to create their own mini project, based on an aspect of Computing that they find interesting.
In terms 3&4 students will look at how different instructions can be used in scenarios and the need for instructions to be as specific as possible, understanding the consequences if they are not. Students will then go and explore and compare different programming languages and their uses.
In terms 5&6 students will use their own choice of software to create a product, following on from the work they completed during Term 2. During this unit they will design and plan, based on feedback and work previously completed to create their own Digital Product. They will finish the year using the advanced features of the OhBots, using a range of inputs and outputs to program theirs, for different scenarios |
Year 9In terms 1&2 students will look at the need for specific hardware and the differences between them. They will also consider how different pieces of hardware would be needed and utilised in a range of careers and environments. Students will follow this on by using the Comic Life 3 software, where students will create an educational comic strip, using this software to educate young children about different types of hardware and how they are used.
In terms 3&4 students will undertake a programming project, where they will use a programming language and environment of their choosing to complete a series of tasks, which need to be planned, coded and evaluated.
In terms 5&6 students will consider the impact of Target Audiences in a range of products and scenarios, and then produce different products based on the scenarios and Target Audience they have chosen. They will finish the Year, and the Key Stage, looking back at their work completed to answer the question “Why do we use Computers” |
KS4In Key Stage 4 the Computing Department offers 2 GCSE Option courses, in which the students will have 3 lessons per week.
OCR GCSE Computer Science - link The GCSE Computer Science course offers students the chance to look at different problem-solving areas, the chance to improve their programming skills and to gain a full understanding of what happens inside a computer. Students complete a programming project during Key Stage 4 and then will sit 2 exams at the end of Year 11.
OCR Camb Nat Creative iMedia - link The Creative iMedia course is a popular course at Turing School and has consistently had excellent results. The course is made up of 4 units; 1 is an exam, taken in January of Year 11 and the three other units are Controlled Assessment tasks, based around Digital Graphics, Website Design and Comic Strip Creation.
All students will also undertake 1 lesson of Core IT per week, where they will look at and grow the skills and knowledge in Key Stage 3, with a focus of ensuring that all students are ready for Further Education. |
Year 10 - Core ITIn terms 1&2 students will re-examine what it is to program and how to use different languages for different scenarios. They will then undertake a short programming project where they will create a program that is fit for use. Students will also expand their Digital Media skills by creating their own Prospectus Pages for the Turing School Prospectus. They will use Photoshop and brand new Digital Cameras to create a product which they feel is fit for purpose. In terms 3&4 students will look at presentation skills, in both creating and giving, and will pick an area of their choosing to research and then deliver a presentation to the rest of their class. They will also consider the impacts that robotics have had on the world and the impact they will have in the future, before programming a range of robots to complete different problems. In terms 5&6 students will look at Sound Sampling and how it takes place by using a range of different software. They will look at sound modification and consider the benefits and risks of this taking place in different organisations. They will finish the year by looking at different formulas in Microsoft Excel and how they can be used in a range of business applications. |
Year 10 - OCR Creative iMediaIn terms 1&2 students will be completing different tasks which are based around the exam specification for R081 - Pre-Production documents. They will look at the use and features of different Pre-Production documents, as well as when and how to use them. Students will then go on and create their own Pre-Production documents for different scenarios and understand how they can be evaluated, to make sure they are prepared and ready for their R081 Examination in January of Year 10.
During the rest of Year 10, students will be completing their first Controlled Assessment unit, R082 Digital Graphics. Within this unit, students will be looking at the purpose and use of different Digital Graphics and how they are created. They will then go on to plan, develop and create their own Digital Graphic, choosing from a range of topics given by the exam board. They will then start to work on their next unit, R085 Creating a Multipage Website, so they have an understanding of what a website is and its component features, how to use different devices to connect to a website and the network connection methods used to connect to a website from a device they use. |
Year 10 - GCSE Computer ScienceIn terms 1&2 students will begin to look at how to write computer programs for a specific purpose, identifying key syntax and using it in a range of scenarios. They will also look at key theory areas, including what takes place during the Fetch-Execute Cycle and how data is stored and processed by the CPU In terms 3&4 students will continue to develop their programming skills by undertaking a short programming project, by producing a solution to a list of set problems. This will be completed in their own time, with the lesson time being focussed on looking at computer networks, connections, and security In terms 5&6 students will complete their own programming project, working with a member of staff of The Turing School to create a solution to a problem based in a different area of the school. They will also look at existing ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology, as well as looking at possible issues which could arise in the future. |
Year 11In terms 1&2 students will have a refresher on their Digital Media skills in the planning, production and creation of their own Turing School Yearbook front cover and inside pages. Students will have full creative control of their work and will have the opportunity to see their work come to life and be used at the end of Year 11. Students will also look at and program different robots and understand their usage in extreme weathers and conditions and their deployment vs using human beings. In terms 3&4 students will look at other software in the Microsoft Office suite and its uses, before ending the year completing their own IT Project, based on the areas that have interested them the most of their time in Key Stages 3 and 4. |
Year 11 - OCR Creative iMediaIn terms 1&2 students will be completing their R085 Creating a Multi page Website by planning, designing and creating their website. In doing so, they will be using a range of multimedia assets and will have the opportunity to create their own to put their own creative flair on their work.
Students will then move onto their final unit, R084 Storytelling with a Comic Book by looking at the sues of comics across time and gaining an understanding of what a comic book looks like and how they are structured. Students will then go on and plan and create their own comic strip, based on a scenario provided by OCR. |
Year 11 - GCSE Computer ScienceDuring Year 11, students will revisit past content from Year 10, and look at new additional topics, building on the base they have already received during Key Stage 4. They will also look at how programming can be used in different situations and by different key groups, which will allow them to focus and enhance their understanding of programming and programming concepts. They will also undertake several projects based around the 11 key areas of the Computer Science course, to embed and revise their knowledge, in the run-up to their GCSE examinations in the summer of Year 11. |
HomeworkDuring Key Stage 3, students will receive a mixture of weekly, Google Form based homeworks and longer, project based homeworks. The Google Form homeworks should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete, and the Project Based homeworks will have deadlines within them for students to meet to keep them on track.
During Key Stage 4, students will receive weekly homework tasks (if studying either GCSE Computer Science or OCR Creative iMedia). All students completing their Core IT lessons will receive homework tasks on a fortnightly basis. |
Additional websites and resourcesAll students Mr Rutherford-West’s YouTube channel GCSE Computer Science OCR Creative iMedia |
Careers and EnrichmentCareersTaking GCSE Computer Science can open up a wide range of careers, which use problem-solving, programming and an understanding of technology and its application. These include:
Taking OCR Creative iMedia can open up to a wide range of careers too, which use creative, planning and pre-production skills within a commercial environment. These include :
EnrichmentThe Department offers different online and offline Enrichment Activities, including
“If you can write "hello world" you can change the world”― Raghu Venkatesh |